Teach... baptize... teach again

Learn... apply... grow!

We often say that “Christianity is a ‘taught religion.’”  This means that we become a Christian by being taught the gospel.  We grow as Christians by learning more about Jesus Christ and the Bible and then applying it to our lives.

Matthew 28:18-20 says, “18And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

We make disciples by teaching.  After a person becomes a disciple, we teach again to observe all that the Lord commanded.  We teach, baptize, and teach again.  This is why we have Bible classes. This is why we emphasize teaching in classes and sermons.

Today, we have so many online resources available to help us in our spiritual journey.  I have put several of these resources together below with a bit about them.  These are done by people within the brotherhood of the church.  Why not use your time to deepen your understanding of a Bible subject?  Maybe you can use these to teach someone else to help them on their spiritual journey.  Maybe these would be beneficial for you, your children, and your family.

Please consider putting these links on your Facebook page from time to time regularly.

Of course, because these videos and articles are a work of people, I cannot endorse 100% of everything on them.  The only thing I can endorse 100% is the Bible.


  1. https://vimeo.com/oakhill – This is where we currently store and make available all of our videos of Bible classes and sermons from the Oak Hill Church of Christ. Michael Farris has put many of them into groupings so that we can easily follow a class.
  2. Apologetics Presshttps://apologeticspress.org/ - This is very helpful for Christian Evidences and general Bible knowledge. They have thousands of articles and hundreds of videos.
  3. Gospel Broadcasting Networkhttps://gbntv.org/ - They have Bible-based and unbiased resources from the Word of God. They have online commentaries as downloadable PDFs on every book of the Bible.  They have a downloadable app.  They are home of the Authentic Christian Podcast.
  4. House to Househttps://housetohouse.com/ - Excellent articles for ourselves and for sharing with others. Great to use as an outreach to the community.  Personally, I like this group so much I volunteer to help them online.
  5. The Gospel of Christhttps://www.thegospelofchrist.com/ - They have Broadcasts, study aids, free media, 24-hour gospel radio with various speakers, and A Capella singing.
  6. World Bible Schoolhttps://worldbibleschool.org/ - They have many full Bible classes and advanced Bible classes. They have classes from Sunset Ministry Studies.  They have people who volunteer their time to help others. Your study helper will exchange lessons with you, review your lesson answers and give you feedback, help you find Scriptures to answer your personal questions, and be available as a prayer partner.
  7. World Video Bible Schoolhttps://video.wvbs.org/ They have over 2,600 Bible videos focusing on young adults, high school, middle school, and elementary ages. They have Biblical studies, Christian evidences, debates, and sermons.  They have a “Truth About” section as well as women’s studies, and studies on books of the Bible.  Finally, they have a special section that has interpretation for deaf people.  https://video.wvbs.org/asl/